Starbright Astrology
If you are looking for guidance on your life path, you have come to the right place.
Starbright Astrology applies the ages old system of Vedic Astrology to shine light and provide insights for the most important questions of life. Astrology sessions meet you where you are and awaken you to your inner wisdom. Receive guidance for all areas of your life including:

Relationship/marriage partner
Overall life path
Book a Starbright Astrology session and let the light of the heavens
guide your way.
Hello and Namaste. My name is Natasha Zaslove, and I am a professionally trained and certified Vedic Astrologer and founder of Starbright Astrology.
Starbright Astrology uses the millenia-old time-tested techniques of Jyotish to understand the purpose of an individual's life and provide guidance for effective decision-making. Starbright Astrology is especially passionate about helping people realize their dharma -- what they are here to do that will fulfill their soul's purpose and make their heart sing.
We believe in free-will astrology meaning once people understand the embedded tendencies of their life and the transits headed their way, they can make intelligent choices to avoid pitfalls and maximize assets and opportunities.
Starbright Astrology will help you understand the rhythms of your life, make beneficial choices, and optimize timing of major life events for excellent results.

Full Natal
This is an excellent option for first time readings. The session will illuminate the general nature and purpose of this life and will address specific questions such as career path and relationship.

The Year
This session is perfect for insights into the upcoming year. I use the annual Varshiphal chart as well as the transits (both Prashara and Jaimini), to provide insights into the themes and focus of the year ahead.

Compatability and Specific Questions
This session is used to hone in on a specific question or issue that you may be facing at this time. Excellent for those trying to make an important life decision, including marriage, move, career/job or family.
“It was the most in-depth spot-on reading I have ever had.”
-Nancy M
"I really enjoyed my reading. It revived my spirit.”
-Minnie A.
"Thank you so much! Really illuminating and interesting!”
-Allison B.
"So much has happened since we did our initial reading. I periodically look back at my notes and it is crazy how accurate you were.”
-Melissa G.
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