I am a professional astrologer applying the wisdom of the cosmos help understand and navigate the fluctuations of life. I first woke up to the power of astrology in 2007 while living in Sedona, Arizona when a spontaneous solar gazing experience illuminated the meanings of the planets.
I sought an astrology teacher to help me learn the basics. In 2008, I was vested by my Western teacher to do professional readings, and was fully booked on a daily basis in my burgeoning practice in Sedona.

Full Natal
This is an excellent option for first time readings. The session will illuminate the general nature and purpose of this life and will address specific questions such as career path and relationship.

The Year
This session is perfect for insights into the upcoming year. I use the annual Varshiphal chart as well as the transits (both Prashara and Jaimini), to provide insights into the themes and focus of the year ahead.

Compatability and Specific Questions
This session is used to hone in on a specific question or issue that you may be facing at this time. Excellent for those trying to make an important life decision, including marriage, move, career/job or family.
Nancy M
“It was the most in-depth spot-on reading I have ever had.”
Minnie A.
"I really enjoyed my reading. It revived my spirit.”
Allison B.
"Thank you so much! Really illuminating and interesting!”
Melissa G.
"So much has happened since we did our initial reading. I periodically look back at my notes and it is crazy how accurate you were.”
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